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It's a new year, and these bad habits are so last year. Here's what to leave behind in 2023.

It’s a new year, indeed, and you might be tired of reading and hearing about resolutions, goals, and new things to do. In past years, we’ve shared about health and wellness trends to expect in the new year, as well as how to keep your resolutions all year long. This year, though, we’re changing things up a bit and considering the bigger picture of health and wellbeing.

Below are five habits to leave behind this year, plus explanations as to why doing so can help you feel much better.

1. Comparison

They say that comparison is the thief of joy, and surely we could all do with more joy in our lives. The truth is that there will always be people who seem smarter, prettier, funnier, more successful, or better in some way. This year, work to appreciate their strengths without letting them be the gauge for your own worth.

2. Should-ing Yourself

How often do you tell yourself that you “should” have done something or “should” do or be doing something? It can be easy to “should” yourself, but doing so becomes problematic when it creates burdens or obligations that don’t serve us well. “Should-ing” may be motivating in the short-term, but it can have negative effects over time, including anxiety and feelings of failure, which inhibit progress and wellbeing. When you find yourself falling victim to the “shoulds,” ask yourself, “Why am I doing this? What am I trying to achieve?” And then shift focus from what you should do to what you actually need or want to do. This shift in mindset can increase productivity, satisfaction, self-esteem, and overall well-being.

3. Multitasking

Simply put, our brains are not good at multitasking. In order to perform a task both efficiently and well, our brains need to be able to focus on that task and that task alone. Additionally, research tells us that multitasking is stressful! Really stressful. So, if you’re looking to decrease stress in your life right now, ditch the multitasking and focus on one thing at a time.

4. Overcommitting

What could your life be like with a little more breathing room? Would you have more opportunity to say ‘yes’ to things that bring you joy? Could you increase your productivity on tasks that matter to you? The American Psychological Association tells us that taking control of our time and schedules can increase our quality of life. They recommend assessing your schedule, prioritizing what’s important, avoiding last-minute commitments, and being confident in saying ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to commitments.

5. Dwelling on the Future

This one isn’t complicated. Spending time dwelling on the future is often rooted in fear and leads to anxiety. On the contrary, staying in the present leads to more happiness, better health, better energy, better mood, and less stress.

So, what do you think? What habits will you be dropping this year? And which one’s are helping you still? Let us know your thoughts!


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